Saturday, August 15, 2015

Aesop's Wrap Up

Well, that's a WRAP!  Last night we finished our final week of camp with a fun show!  Aesop's Fables was memorable learning experience for everyone involved!

At Silvermoon Children's Theatre, we strive for excellence.  That seems like a lofty goal when sometimes (most times) working with kids feels like herding CATS, but after each performance I am usually still surprised and the level of excellence and professionalism that can come from KIDS!  Are things perfect?  NO, but that is the beauty of live theatre...things go wrong and it's about how you adapt and think on your feet.  

Our kids for camps learned everything they needed to put together a show for the FIVE DAYS!  It's truly amazing to watch the progress and see what the kids are capable of.  

During the week there are lots of things to remember...  
Here is a list of a few things we teach (and remind) the kids about working in the theatre.  See how many are applicable to LIFE in general.

1. If it's not yours, don't touch it...neighbors, props, etc
2.  Even if you are nervous, especially when you are nervous, plant your feet and look confident
3.  Use diction when speaking...make your words sound like chips and not spaghetti mashed potatoes
4.  Listen and show respect to those who are speaking
5.  Leave things better than you found them
6.  Take care of things that don't belong to you
7.  Keep hands and feet to yourself and off walls, curtains, and neighbors
8.  Face the audience and project your voice so people can hear you
9.  Don't steal focus from others...wait for your turn to have the focus.
10.  Work as a team
12.  Be engaging with the audience
13.  Focus on what you are doing with your body...facial expressions, body positions etc
14.  Remember everything you have to remember
15.  AND...Don't forget to have fun!

This is not an exhaustive list by any means, but it gives you a taste of all the things we ask our kids to remember and do while working with us in our pursuit of EXCELLENCE.

L to R Standing:  Ariana Charitonenko, Layton Redick, Abby Farren, Sydney Williams, Abby Sanderson, Karadyn Alamond, Erin Eppinette, Brycen Bailey, Warren Carroll, Christian Conway
Sitting:  Alex Schneekloth, Emma Burks, Isaac Linnett

Celebrating the FANTASTIC cast of Aesop!
Back:  Layton Redick & Christian Conway
Middle:  Abby Farren, Emma Burks, Brycen Bailey, Ariana Charitonenko, Karadyn Alamond, Abby Sanderson, Sydney Williams
Front:  Leah Linnett (our fantastic USHER!)

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